05 December 2010

Formula1 to go green by 2013

One of the most appreciated news by the world came when the stakeholder from Formula came to an agreement for using 'green' engine from 2013.
According to agreement the current engines of 2.4-litre V8's should swap to 1.6-litre four-cylinder turbo engines which would allow energy recovery systems and fuel restrictions.All this has come in a time to promote trends of fuel-effiicient in road cars making it a success in the longer run. These rules shall be confirmed by the governing body of FIA on 10th of December.
Mercedes and Ferrari shown some reservations to move for these changes recently a month ago, they believe that it would be an un-necessary expense on their part when F1 was trying to reduce the overall costs.The overall aim of this initiative is to improve the efficient of F1 engines by almost 50%. and producing same amounts of power i.e 750bhp.According to the commercial leaders they view companies reluctance because of their view of using extra resource to make it done.The agreement of changing regulations from 2.4 litre V8's which have been used since 2006 have come after months of negotiations but the thing is it might be delayed until 2014, or maybe as long as 2017.F1 commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone has been a strong critic regarding the rule change. He views it as:
"We have a very good engine formula. Why should we change it to something that is going to cost millions of pounds and that nobody wants and that could end up with one manufacturer getting a big advantage?"

The changes have been agreed upon the meetings with the giants of F1 engines manufacturers including Renault and Cosworth, and final touches were being given on by the engineers of F1.There have been number of checks and balance to ensure costs have been kept down and to
It is understood that a series of checks and balances have been written into the regulations to keep costs down and to ensure that it would be impossible for one manufacturer to steal others in terms of performance.This shall be done through resource restriction meaning that to limit the amount of people or time that is to be given to a project. Volkswagen was also been a main negotiator in this and made a point they would only consider entering F1 if sport adopted to these rules.But according to sources VW have dual thoughts whethere to commit to this project, if even they do they will come forward using their brand Audi.
The move is a triumph for both F1 teams' organisation Fota and FIA president Jean Todt, both of whom have made increasing the future sustainability of F1 a key aim.
Leading figures in F1 hope that the adoption of the new rules will insulate the sport from charges of wastefulness at a time when supplies of fossil fuels are diminishing and there is pressure for the world to cut its production of greenhouse gases.For Fota and FIA president Jean Todt, they aim to provide sustainablity of F1 being their main objective.
The leading figures hope that by the adoption of these rules it will be a substantive effort of preventing loss of fossil fuel and in the times where there is so much stress given upon cutting of green house gases.By using such techniques this fuel efficient and glamorous sport would be a positive impact on normal road car users on would provide a positive impact dramatically.By this 600bhp of the 750bhp produced by the engines will come from the four-cylinder single-turbo engine itself, with the rest being provided by energy storage and power-boost systems.These systems are known as Kers .They were first used in F1 in 2009 before being abandoned for 2010 and are being reintroduced next season.For 2013, the power capacity of the Kers systems will be increased from 60kw to 120kw which would be increasing the power output by a big margin.The new engines would not have more than 10,000 rpm which currently spin about 18,000 rpm.A technology based upon Turbo charging technology called compounding will also be used to enhance efficiency . Lets hope a positive notion is carried on the 10th December and these environmental friendly policies are implemented.


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